Longer interview in Slovene with Nejc about vinyl, music as well as SoulPeddler in particular https://www.vecer.com/pronicljiva-podjetniska-ideja-nejceva-tovarna-vinilnih-plosc-v-novem-sadu-10079850
Longer interview in Slovene with Nejc about vinyl, music as well as SoulPeddler in particular https://www.vecer.com/pronicljiva-podjetniska-ideja-nejceva-tovarna-vinilnih-plosc-v-novem-sadu-10079850
longer TV report about vinyl in general incl. Interviews from a vinyl trade fair in Novi Sad as well as a sneak peak into the SoulPeddler production
Interview with Katarzis recorded at our upstairs event location along with a small SoulPeddler feature – starts at 18:00
Feature on SoulPeddler with Marija and Zeljko giving you a few insights into the SoulPeddler production and location – starts at 34:45
Feature on SoulPeddler with Marija and Zeljko giving you a few insights into the SoulPeddler production and location
Shorter fun feature on SoulPeddler – includes Dragoslava along with our technical director Alexander – enjoy!
Longer interview with Smuk from Zbogom Brus Li and our technical director Alexander
Longer “guided tour” right before we started with our upstairs coffee room, concert location and vinyl outlet – Zeljko, our booking and event manager providing some